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Gift Certificates from SpringStart Health and Fitness

Gift Certificates from SpringStart Health and Fitness

SpringStart Health and Fitness is a local company that is on a mission to make you stronger, have more energy and be confident in what you do. We specialize in strength training and welcome everyone at any age and any fitness level. Now is the 

Make 2024 a Better Year

Make 2024 a Better Year

Are you thinking about changing things now that everything is opening up? It’s still important to stay healthy. Maybe after a couple years of not being that active, you want to shake up your routines with a new challenge. The most important step is figuring 

Being Active Leads to Energy and Positivity

Being Active Leads to Energy and Positivity

Exercise helps your brain work better. It helps you think through complex ideas, remember details, and just generally handle complex tasks with a lot more efficiency. Your body and brain just work better together when the blood and oxygen is flowing. Then there is the emotional component. Your brain is better able to handle problems and high emotions when you can think better. When your body is out of balance, such as when you are overly excited or depressed, mental health experts recommend some form of exercise because the right type of exercise helps settle your body and brain back to a natural balance.

It’s not a coincidence that people with energy and positivity are frequently active. Rather it’s the other way around. Being active helps them stay energetic and positive.

How does exercise do this?

  • Exercise gets blood flowing and the oxygen in the blood goes to the brain. With more oxygen, the brain functions better.
  • A better functioning brain remembers things more accurately. An active person can learn more and do more with what they know. It has a big impact on long term memory, and lessens the impact of aging on the brain. We’re not only talking about better memory now, we’re also thinking about better memory and brain function when you are 80 years old.
  • A person who remembers things clearly and can think efficiently is more likely to handle extreme situations well. It doesn’t matter if these are emotional crises or needing to work very quickly in stressful situations. People who exercise regularly tend to have fewer true emergencies and live with less stress simply because for one, they prevent many problems by better thinking and two, they handle it better when it happens.
  • Active people sleep better. Sleep is great for the brain. Your brain is actually still active while you are asleep and not only do you wake up refreshed, your brain has been doing some work while you were out and has helped you process your thoughts. That’s why people say ‘you should sleep on it’ before making a big decision.

If you consider yourself inactive you might also recognize that you find yourself stressed out and unable to control your emotions more often than you would like. You might also feel out of balance because you have many responsibilities and stressors in your life that you cannot control.

There is something in your life you can control: You. Arm yourself with exercise and an improved brain so that you can build a life with less stress and negativity. Once you start, you’ll know it is worth the effort.

Burnout: Four Phases of Burnout

Burnout: Four Phases of Burnout

In previous posts we talked about how each stage feels. This post puts it all together with some identifiable signs that might help you identify if you are experiencing burnout. Stage 1: The high point Stage 2: Reality starts creeping in Stage 3: Feeling the 

Burnout Part 3: What can you control?

Burnout Part 3: What can you control?

Earlier posts talked about what burnout from stress feels like and the effect it has on the body and mind. Burnout often happens when you don’t think you can control the demands on your time and energy. But what can you control? If you know 

Burnout Part 2: What kinds of stress deplete your ability to cope?

Burnout Part 2: What kinds of stress deplete your ability to cope?

Our previous post introduced burnout and the role of hormones in your ability to react to challenges and emergencies in your daily life.

How do you know if you could be in burnout? Have you done any of these recently?

  • Kicked yourself over simple mistakes
  • Missed details you normally catch
  • Forgot something that was important
  • Overreacted to a small problem
  • Found it difficult to make decisions or commit to work especially if someone else evaluated it
  • Had challenges face people when you realize you have made simple mistakes

These events and reactions, especially if there is a pattern of them, is a common sign that you are moving toward burnout.

Being overwhelmed and losing track is a sign that stress is causing some potential problems in other parts of your life. You don’t have to have a high-pressure job or be in traumatic situations to have stress build up. Any combination of demands can have the same effect: learning new procedures, being in emotionally-charged situations and being affected by issues and delays you don’t control are common stressors.

Why is this happening? The hormones that help your brain and body deal with these situations get depleted and you no longer handle these challenges as well. It’s hard to process new ideas and think quickly when adrenaline and cortisol are depleted.

If you are in the ‘small mistake’ stage of burnout you still have enough energy to turn it around. The key is to recognize it now.

Regular exercise builds energy and, matched with healthy food, can start rebuilding those essential hormones as your body goes back to a better balance. Any amount of exercise will help, even a walk.

The next post will list some of the things you can do when you don’t have complete control over all the stressors in your life.

Burnout: How it feels when it’s building up  

Burnout: How it feels when it’s building up  

Burnout happens when you are operating at 100% capacity all the time. While it sounds like a good thing, it is actually not healthy or effective to do this. When you need to ramp up your energy to handle a more urgent situation, you don’t 

Winter Veggies for Healthy Nutrition

Winter Veggies for Healthy Nutrition

The cold weather is coming and so is the tendency to stay sheltered in place. So what’s to eat that is easy to cook in large quantities, freeze for later, and fits a modest budget? You want foods that are filling and have great nutrition 

Eat Your Colours Part 2: Nutritious Meal Ideas

Eat Your Colours Part 2: Nutritious Meal Ideas

Yellow and orange fruits and vegetables are packed with antioxidants and nutrients that protect our nervous system, improve eye health, improve skin health and bone health. They also boost our immune system. They contain such phytonutrients as flavonoids, lycopene, beta-carotene and Potassium. Their colour is determined by beta-carotene, a carotenoid our bodies use to create Vitamin A. 

Below is a sample of some meals that are bright with yellow and orange colour. 

  • Breakfast: Scrambled eggs, cheese, orange and yellow bell peppers 
  • Snack: Oranges and yellow apples. 
  • Lunch: Yellow and orange peppers with hummus, Corn with a bit of butter, peach, water with a slice of lemon. 
  • Dinner: Smoked fish, potatoes, fried yellow zucchini, honeydew and peach tea. 

A treat of the day are a couple of persimmons: An orange fruit that looks like a tomato! My absolutely favourite fruit!

What are your menu suggestions? I would love to see how you use these colours!

Eat Your Colours Part 1: Benefits of Micronutrients

Eat Your Colours Part 1: Benefits of Micronutrients

You might have heard the expression “eat your colours”. Of course, these are about fruits and vegetables, which are often powerhouses of nutrients, get their colours from specific chemicals that have benefits to our health. A popular approach when trying to maintain or lose your